Today was the best day yet! From New Haven to Greenwich, CT… apparently our well wishes of wind and sun were delivered today, as the Petes were able to beat their way to Greenwich on a close reach. They left New Haven at 6:30 this morning, and sailed 42 miles on Northwest winds, taking 2 hour shifts… They arrived in Greenwich this evening at about 4:30pm. To get into the harbor, again, they had to ‘break ice’ which meant taking their ((now broken)) oars given by Robin H Littlefield to the bow and hitting away at the ice… and I quote “like a tomahawk!!” to allow a path to get into the harbor… this again was done in shifts… as breaking ice with pieces of paddle apparently is not an easy task in below 30 temps! Tonight the Petes will stay in Peter Ver Ploeg’s aunt’s house… where they will be warm and hopefully do some laundry and have a warm meal!
Tomorrow New York City awaits… and they will hopefully sail around the statue of liberty at least 3 times… In New York they will meet up with their friend Chris B. who will join them for a week of their trip on the boat!!!
~God Speed Men~
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