Friday, January 8, 2010


From: Peter Ver Ploeg

We slept in this morning and woke up to an inch of fresh snow on the decks and more on the way. No sailing today. After a leisurely breakfast of hot chocolate, coffee, and caramel rolls (left over from Christmas and preserved, safely frozen, in an aft hatch), we suited up and strolled out to meet the day.

Pete and I "borrowed" some bicycles from behind the harbor master's hut and rode the two miles in to town. The library and post office didn't open for another half hour, so we took a walk through the snow, exploring the boarded up summer resorts overlooking the sea.

Now, the library is open, we have our cell phones and camera batteries charging, emails are being answered, blogs are being checked and updated, pictures are being downloaded. Things are getting done. Later we'll mail some letters at the post office, eat some lunch, and head back to the wrecks of those three ships to scavenge some old sails, an anchor rode, and another gaff hook we left behind yesterday. Its a full life!


  1. Hello Peters H and VP,

    Rick Ohler here. There must be something classier I could say than, "You lucky creeps. What an excellent adventure. We're all insanely jealous," but nothing comes to mind right now. As you can see from my photo, it's freezing here and we're all bundled against the cold. Enjoy yourselves. We'll keep tracking your travels.

    And I'm sure in his own way Grandpa John is way proud of you, Peter.

    Vaya con dios, Rick

  2. Pete n Pete.
    I can't believe you are actually doing this. My heroes!
    Does Malcom know what his boats is going threw? LOL
    I can't wait for the blog continuums.
    Wishing you the best of luck.
    George Dunn
