Pete and I awoke this morning to find that whole of Annapolis Harbor had frozen overnight. The ice, though not as thick as further up the Severn River, was still pretty impressive for one night's freeze, and it took us a fair amount of time to maneuver our way out of the slip. Crunching along, we picked a path through the harbor out to the clear waters of the shipping lanes beyond.
It was a very calm, gray, and hazy day but we still managed several hours of slow sailing close hauled during the afternoon. Happy to be back on the water and underway proper.
We arrived in Solomons Island by dusk. Apparently one of the more popular Summer stops for cruisers on the Chesapeake, it is now silent and still and covered in snow. We tied up at an icy dock in an empty marina and headed in to town.
Pete and I grabbed a burger at the nearby Roy Rogers Restaurant, because it smelled to good to pass up, and then he headed back to the boat while I took a stroll around town. Now its snowing, big fluffy flakes, and in the morning we'll be frozen in again.
I think your strategy now should be to just sail without docking. It seems like whenever you dock, you enter into a shit storm.